Category: Hanga | Create

Subtraction – T1 W7

This is my maths task for this week, we are learning how to subtract using different strategies. Everyone in room 4 is learning basic maths so Mrs Langitupu can see where we are at for maths, it also helps us when learning basic maths because they are what we use in other maths problems. So using different strategies will help us with future work

Addition – w6 T1

This is my maths task for this week, we have to do addition just to see who understands how to use algorithm. if you don’t understand that well there is a video at the end to explain everything for whoever needs an example. Leave a positive comment and feedback

Math whizz

This week I got my maths whizz progression! every week our class goes on a site called maths whizz, we have to finish maths problems in order to get progressions for the week. As you can see at the top that I’m also wearing a crown, in order to get the crown we can do these activities to get gems and when you get 3 gems you enter the hall of Fame and get a crown

My role model

This is my “cyber smart” work for this week, it is about My role model. For this task I chose my brother and in the text it explains why, I put a picture of him as well, so you can see who I’m talking about.

Smart goals – reading

These are my smart goals for this year, they are reading goals that I have set for myself

I want to have 4 or more books to read for enjoyment by the end of the term

I want to read everyday for 10 or more minutes by the end of the term

I want to use my public library card by the end of the term